Posted on 9 Aug 2020
FitFarms Weight Loss Retreat Derbyshire
Weight Loss Retreat Derbyshire August 2020
The new FitFarms Weight Loss Retreat Health team started in January at a very high standard raising all areas of the course. We are now truly in full flow and the improvements have been noticed both by new and old customers.
Weight Loss Retreat Health Team
Weight Loss Retreat Health Team
Leading the Team is Justin Lord the ITV Health and Fitness Guru. Justin has brought in so many new ideas from a complete facelift to workshops to designing a new way of approaching lifestyle change through FitFarms' very own M3 programme. FitFarms' M3 programme covers three areas being Mind, Medicine and Movement. During the FitFarms weight loss retreat programme customers now receive a higher weight loss / fat loss result. But more importantly their results are long term because the Mind part of the M3 programme is so thorough.
The Health Manager is backed up by the lovely Hailey who is fantastic at adjusting customers minds. This allows guests so ask questions about themselves, motivate themselves and ultimately increase their short and long term results. 'I have got so much more on this course that I thought was possible' has been said on all the courses Hailey and Justin have run together. All the great workshops and exercise sessions are equalled by the food that Niall creates in the Kitchen. Every meal has Niall's creative eye examining the dish before it goes onto the tables. The dishes are colourful, tasty and creatively balanced within glasses or on plates.
Weight Loss Retreat Bakewell Smoothie
Weight Loss Retreat Availability
Weight loss retreat based in Derbyshire
18th September 2 Spaces Available
9th October 1 Space available
23rd October 2 Spaces Available
To book a space please visit our website /book or call us on 07766240446 / 08006343070